Online classes. Wow. A powerful new concept…well, certainly not so new, but here, in Ecuador, we’re just starting to see a glimpse of its potential. Imagine being able to teach English, as well as other subjects to people that otherwise wouldn’t have the slightest opportunity to develop their true potential, because they’re so far away from educational centers, or don’t have the opportunity to physically attend classes on a daily basis. How many doctors, scientists, diplomats, or engineers have not become so, thus being unable to truly contribute to the progress of Ecuador?
Such a saddening situation could be about to change for the better, though. Through online classes, people from all over our country will be able to access quality education…providing the more qualified people our society so desperately needs, being a cultured population the true cement of democracy.
Technology used for the benefit and betterment of mankind. I definitely want to be a part of it. I’m in.
This is a wonderful first post! You are not only in, you are going to design and deliver an online course, which will get many others in too. That is a big responsibility and I am sure you will take it on very well. I am excited to see how this blog evolves.
Cesar your post looks great and Justin's comments about delivering and designing an on line course through it, I am positive will help lots of people meet their english needs.
OMG!!!! this is wonderful, and the video was enlightening for me too. And for the rest, I believe
Your design is great , i certainly agree with you on this expanding world of knowledge through technology. We are just getting into this but we have to be aware that we are be creators also...
WOW! impressive! you are very creatuve and resourceful. You have certainly put a lot of thought into your blog. i would like to set up something similar.
Excellent design of your blog. I wish I could do that but it´s kind of hard to get through this stuff. I watched the video and it made me think how outdated we are in general. Information comes million times faster and we need to prepare our kids.
You are a high achiever and a role model for us. Keep it up!
Cesar u'r great.. I love the dedication u put in your work and the details of it say a lot.. I wish I could be as good as u..